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2024 Fellows

The People Make the Place

The People Make the Place

I have written and rewritten this blog countless times over the past few weeks trying to find the right words to sum up the final month and a half of my time in Rwanda. I am no closer to epitomizing this experience than I was while writing my first draft, but here is an attempt taken from the various notes, musings, and stories I have scribbled down over the last seven months. 

1. Wind is good for sick dogs. 

Madi and I adopted a dog, or better put, Madi and I were adopted by a dog and her puppy. If you visited the house any time between May and August, you likely met at least one and quickly realized why we couldn’t help but fall in love with them. Mom dog and Squirt (also sometimes called Skirt) were a highlight of living in Rwink. In June, however, Squirt was unfortunately in an accident. When trying to decide what to do, Madi and I were told to leave her on the porch overnight because “wind is good for sick dogs.” Sounds simple enough, right? We weren’t convinced, but miraculously the next morning, little Squirt was doing much better than we expected. In utter confusion and shock, I muttered “I guess wind is good for sick dogs” sending Madi and I into a fit of laughter because, as always, our assumption was incorrect. While this story is a funny example, it hints at something I learned early on here, but struggled to remember: you can’t assume you know. There was so much to be learned about Rwanda, about the people, about the way things run. My assumptions and biases won’t get me very far, and they must be checked pretty quickly. I assumed that leaving the dog outside overnight wasn’t a good idea, but clearly the wind worked its magic.

2. You can take a car battery out of a running car. 

While visiting Lake Kivu with my family in June, our car battery died. Not an ideal circumstance anywhere, but especially not when you don’t have spare jumper cables in your car or road-side assistance on speed dial. Luckily, we were in the parking lot of our hotel, and they were able to call a mechanic for us. Twenty minutes later, a moto pulls up and a young man jumps off the back with nothing but a wrench and a pair of pliers. I will never forget my mom turning to me and asking, “That can’t be the mechanic, right?” It was. Regardless of our initial skepticism, ten minutes later, we were on the road after the mechanic switched our car battery with one from another car, then switched them back, all while the cars were running. Sounds sketchy, but it worked and we were grateful. Outside of being a funny story that my parents told their friends while recounting the trip, it was a lesson in ingenuity and making things work. Sometimes, you don’t have the perfect set of tools in front of you, and the solution isn’t convenient. However, you can make things work using what you have within the circumstances you find yourself in. This lesson has shown itself time and time again over the last few months, and is one I will certainly take home with me. 

3. It’s okay to crave home, familiarity, and comfort, but don’t let it distract you from the present. 

There were moments throughout the entire fellowship where I wondered what I was doing and missed home. While I wish I could say that from the beginning I was quick to dismiss those thoughts and refocus my attention on the present, that wasn’t always reality. The feelings of homesickness and the desire for comfort are certainly natural instincts, and it took a conscious effort to stay present and not wish my time away. It was made easier, however, by the busy schedule and near-constant activity. As a routine-centric person, it was frustrating to constantly be moving around and never really falling into a daily routine, but I also know that it was probably the best thing for me. Time moves so quickly when you are constantly experiencing new things and moving around. You don’t have time to spend wishing for home when there is so much to do and see. This was very evident in my last three weeks. At the very end of July we hosted our Shooting Touch co-founders, their family, and Shooting Touch Board Member and NBA player Grant Williams (also a Tennessee Alum #GoVols). This week was packed full with practices, events, and one very competitive game of Catan. With all that was going on, I could barely consider how little time I had left. However, at the conclusion of that trip, both Madi and Alex also headed home, and I was suddenly faced with a lot of alone time on my hands while staring down my last two weeks. It was a weird time because I was feeling anxious to see my friends and family while also trying to soak up my last few events and practices. I made sure to fill my plate the last few weeks by hiking in Rukara with Coach Moses, visiting Coach Nico, and taking long walks in the valley. I am grateful for the last few weeks of solace to really close out my time in Rwanda and say my goodbyes.

4. The people make the place.

Finally, I’ll leave you with the greatest lesson I’ve learned in Rwanda: the people make the place. This experience would mean nothing if it weren’t for the people I shared it with. Madi, my roommate, co-dog mom, the person I spent the most time with this year, is now a very dear friend, and someone I know I will stay in touch with for a very long time. There is no one else I would have rather spent many, many hours playing gin rummy and laughing with on a daily basis. Our incredible coaches turned into Kinyarwanda teachers and friends. I will forever cherish hundreds of small moments I could go on and on about with each and every one of our coaches. There are so many other people I could go on about, from our neighbors in Rwink, to the kids that always run up for a hug while we walk to practice, to our Director of Communications Sam, to our Program Director Christelle, to our Community Engagement Coordinators Ingrid and Denise. I am leaving Rwanda with a new appreciation for the people. Without the people and relationships that were built here, this would be nothing more than a fun anecdote about how I spent the better part of a year. Instead, these people have turned this into a transformative experience. 

So thank you, Shooting Touch for the experience of a lifetime, for friends I will have forever, and for teaching me more than I could ever convery.



If you were to ask me to sum up the past seven months, I’m not sure I’d be able to do it. After all, my life over the past 7 months has been completely different from anything I’ve ever known. But since that’s the assignment, I’m going to give it my best effort. I could go on forever about my time in Rwanda and every single memory I’ve made, but no one has time to read all of that. I’ll spare you the details of the ultimate gin rummy tournament that took place over the past three weeks between me and my coworker. I won’t tell you too much about all the village dogs gathering on my porch every night for howling practice together. And I’m not going to write a ton about all of my goodbyes, because that will make me far too emotional. So, instead, I’m going to tell you about the month of July and some of the highlights from my fellowship. 

July was one of the most eventful months I had, which served as the perfect way to say goodbye to Rwanda and to Shooting Touch. My dad came to visit during the first week of the month, where I got to show him what my life was like in Rwanda and celebrate my birthday with him in Kigali. We attended practices at four different courts, hiked the valley across from my village, and did a safari in Akagera National Park. I’m not going to lie, as my fellowship began coming to a close, I started to feel extremely homesick. My dad’s visit couldn’t have come at a better time, as it gave me just enough taste of regular life to power me through my final thirty days.

After he left, the real work began. My coworker, Lucy, and I spent time at the building site of our new court in Rukara. We helped the videographers capture the construction process and painted the court with logos and decals. Our All-Star Summer League basketball tournament kicked off on July 12th, with all the best teen players from all of our four Kayonza courts meeting for weekly games in Nyamirama. While I only got to attend three of the six weeks before my departure, I can confidently say that our players are proving themselves to be true all-stars and represented their sectors proudly. At the end of the month, Shooting Touch’s co-founders came to visit with their family and with one of our board members, NBA player Grant Williams. Getting to play one-on-one with an NBA player was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done, so that was definitely a highlight. We hosted an event in Nyamirama on my last day in Rwanda, where I got to say goodbye to all of my coworkers and watch the last basketball tournament of my fellowship.

Saying goodbye to this part of my life was never going to be easy - this I knew the minute I landed at Kigali Airport at the start of the year. I packed two suitcases in January and moved 9,000 miles across the world to work for a non-profit organization on a different continent. Any assumptions I had made before arriving were shattered and replaced with truths better than I could have imagined. I did not know that I would form a lifelong bond with my coworker and roommate. I never thought I would have a dog living on my porch, following me everywhere I went and greeting me with a wagging tail everytime I returned home. I had no idea that the coaches working at all of our courts would become like family to me, making Rwanda feel like home. 

If you had asked me seven months ago what I was going to get out of this fellowship, I probably would have come up with a cheesy line about being grateful for my life. And while I have certainly gained a new sense of gratitude for everything I have waiting for me at home, I learned a ton of important lessons. Basketball is a gift, and it has the power to bring people from all walks of life together. People in Rwanda are some of the kindest folks I have ever known, and they made every day better just by greeting me and teaching me about their lives. 

The most important thing I learned during my time here is one that I will take with me and acknowledge for the rest of my life. Getting outside of my comfort zone has always been terrifying, but this experience has shown me that it can also be the most rewarding thing a person can do. I have learned about different cultures, about the world, and about myself. For that, I will always be grateful and a piece of my heart will always be in Rwanda.

Diving Headfirst into African Basketball

Diving Headfirst into African Basketball

The last six months have been nothing short of life-changing, in ways I won’t fully appreciate until I am back to the normalcy of everyday life in America. There have been so many highlights that I’ll forever cherish, from the on-court educational programming and traveling across the country, to simply hanging out with my roommates. 

Among the many things that I’ll forever embrace about this experience is the opportunity to dive headfirst into the world of African basketball. 

Surprisingly, baseball was my first love. My earliest memories stretch back to playing Tee-ball in Brooklyn, being coached by my dad, and watching Alex Rodriguez and Barry Bonds launch homeruns on TV. My father, who played college ball at Emerson and is now a best-selling baseball author, imparted his love and knowledge of the game to me. On Saturday mornings, I’d throw a tennis ball hundreds of times against the wooden backstop of our backyard to work on my pitching mechanics and fielding. I’d also drive wiffle balls off the tee and chase after them repeatedly to perfect my swing. 

I’d always enjoyed playing basketball for fun, but never officially competed until the father of one of my best elementary school friends suggested that I play for his 11U CYO basketball team, arguing that my agility developed playing shortstop could translate well onto the court. He also handed me a DVD copy of Steve Nash’s iconic 20-minute “Real Time” Basketball Workout, and an edition of “More Than A Game,” the famous documentary about LeBron James and his St. Vincent-St. Mary Catholic High School team.

This introduction to competitive basketball coincided with the emergence of a player who propelled my obsession with game around the time I entered middle school: Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls. The Windy City Assassin was simply electric, the youngest MVP award-winner in league history. His combination of explosiveness, body control, ball-handling, graceful movement, and finishing ability is one that may never be seen again from another 6’2” guard. I can confidently say that I’ve watched every single D-Rose highlight reel known to man. 

There were a couple other guards who influenced me. The first was Jeremy Lin, a Taiwanese-American Harvard graduate who unexpectedly emerged onto the scene when he came off the bench for the New York Knicks and spectacularly led his struggling team to a seven-game winning streak, sparking a cultural phenomenon known as “Linsanity.” The other player is Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors, whose three-point shooting ability off the dribble and on the move - on full display when he dropped 54 points against the Knicks at MSG in February 2013 - forever changed the way NBA teams designed their offenses and reimagined the way in which an undersized guard could impact the game.

I was then hooked on basketball, practicing almost every day, and religiously keeping up with highlights from around the league. I also went on to play point guard through high school and intramural basketball at McGill.

However, my love for the sport was pretty much contained within the realm of the United States until one of my friends from university, Sami Al Uariachi - who played point guard for Morocco’s national team - enlightened me about the creation of an exciting new endeavor: the Basketball Africa League. I became captivated by the new league after learning more about the growth of basketball across Africa, as well as the potential economic and cultural benefits that would ensue for the countries involved and the continent as a whole. He then connected me with the BAL’s color commentator, Usher Komugisha, with whom I spoke for an hour over Zoom about her excitement for the space.

Fast-forward to 2024. I’ve been so fortunate to witness Africa’s professional basketball scene with my own eyes. In May, I had the chance to spend two weeks in Senegal with Sam Waterstone, our Director of Communications, and Jerry Ngobi, a Ugandan-American former Shooting Touch fellow and current high school basketball coach in Minnesota. Due to Shooting Touch’s partnership with the BAL as a social impact partner, the three of us were granted VIP tickets throughout the week to watch the top teams from the Sahara Conference. 

I attended my first games on May 5th, catching the end of a showdown between Armée Patriotique Rwandaise (APR) and Rivers Hoopers Basketball Club (from Nigeria) at Dakar Arena, a sleek stadium constructed in 2018 with a seating capacity of 15,000 people. The Nigerian team won by a score of 86 - 82. 

The following game an hour later was an even bigger treat, a contest between US Monastir (Tunisia) - winners of the BAL championship in 2022 - and Senegal’s AS Douanes. Because AS Douanes had home-field advantage, the stadium was packed and rocking; the crowd was belting chants and blowing vuvuzela horns, while the drumming section danced throughout the entire game. The raucous atmosphere really reminded me of the World Cup due to  the incessant buzzing. [Insert clip]

AS Douanes won 76 - 59, led by shooting guard Harouna Abdoulaye, who dropped 35 points, knocking down a blistering eight three-pointers. It was absolute pandemonium when he caught fire in the second half. 

I attended several more games over the course of the week, which also provided an opportunity to chat with other individuals sitting at our section, like JC Nkulikiyimura, the Executive Director of Agahozo Shalom Youth Village, a remarkable nonprofit in Rwanda that empowers vulnerable Rwandan youth through top-tier educational opportunities. 

Overall, I was impressed by the talent and physicality displayed on the court, though the pace was a little sloppy at times (and there may have been some questionable foul calls). But the games were certainly exciting. For instance, on May 9th, I witnessed AS Douanes defeat Nigeria’s Rivers Hoopers on a fadeaway shot by Mike Fofana at the buzzer to win it. The noise was deafening. [Insert clip] 

I was fascinated by the level of the arena show production, which was in line with what you’d expect in the United States or Europe. The sound system was high quality, the dancing performances during timeouts were elite, and the halftime shows featured some of Africa’s most notable hip hop artists, like Senegal’s ISS 814 and Mia Guisse. Furthermore, I enjoyed the Fan Zone right outside the arena, which had food trucks, 3x3 pickup, a DJ, basketball arcade machines, and merchandise sales. It was cool spotting some of the NBA Academy Africa players hanging out, like Khaman Maluach, a 7’2” South Sudanese center and top prospect for the 2025 NBA Draft who will suit up for Duke this winter. [insert clip]

Sam, Jerry, and I also got the chance to attend the BAL Dakar cocktail reception located at Phare des Mamelles, a peninsular lighthouse with scenic views over the Atlantic Ocean. It was neat being in the same room as the industry leaders spearheading the sport across the continent, like Luol Deng and Claire Akamanzi - which also served as a reminder that, at the end of the day, people are people. Everyone dressed up very elegantly, rocking luxurious clothing with African designs. The event wasn’t just about basketball; it was also a Pan-African celebration of African culture and entertainment, as dancers from various countries showcased a diverse array of performances and outfits. 

There were lots of interesting artists, athletes, and influencers in attendance. I even shared a ten-minute conversation with Tunde Onakoya, a well-known Nigerian chess grandmaster who set a Guinness World Record for the longest marathon chess game to raise funds for his nonprofit, Chess in Slums Africa, which integrates principles of chess with the management of daily challenges in life. We connected over our love for the city of Tangier and our respective experiences in the nonprofit world. It was very insightful listening to him speak about some of his recent travels and initiatives, but also about the challenges of fame, and his eagerness to return home to his family.

Overall, our trip to Senegal provided further confirmation that the country is among the leaders in Africa’s basketball movement, as evidenced by the enthusiasm in the city - as well as outside of Dakar. For instance, after a full day at the beach in Saly, located on the coast about an hour and a half away from Dakar, the three of us were able to hop in a casual game of pickup basketball and join a group of high school players and their coach for a fun session. 

While our trip to Senegal provided inspiring insight about the current state of professional basketball in Africa, I was happy to fly back to Rwanda and re-immerse myself in the grassroots basketball scene with the entire Shooting Touch team.

The rest of May was busy. I hosted a coaching clinic focused on public relations to equip our coaches with the skills to effectively represent Shooting Touch Rwanda. My presentation covered understanding and articulating STR’s mission to various stakeholders and developing essential PR skills. I emphasized tailoring our message based on the stakeholder’s background or interest due to STR’s diverse programs and partnerships across basketball, health, and social change. To reinforce learning, I conducted an interactive activity where coaches were divided into groups to role play different stakeholders, such as a FERWABA coach, doctor from a health center, local government official, a representative from the Imbuto Foundation, or a regular community member who had heard about Shooting Touch.

Later in the month, we hosted a group of students from the University of Tennessee at the Rilima Shooting Touch court for a day of home visits, basketball practice, and a health lesson on the importance of electrolytes for hydration. A kind woman named Athanasie welcomed my group into her home and graciously answered the students’ questions about her decision to participate in Shooting Touch and which health concepts have been most impactful. 

The day was capped off by a relay race whereby each group had to dribble a basketball full court and back. Our Director of Programming, Chloe Rothman, also delivered an impassioned speech about Shooting Touch’s unique ability to build community and foster friendships for women, and gave a shout-out to four local leaders in the Rilima community.

On May 31st, we collaborated with the BAL for the second annual BAL4HER activation in Mayange, Bugesera. We bussed 150 girls and young women from Shooting Touch Rwanda’s regular sport-for-health programs to the court for a day of basketball, health education, and community-building. The U-23 BAL4HER women’s team led a basketball clinic, while local gender experts conducted an informative workshop on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). We distributed reusable menstrual hygiene pads, provided guidance on sustainable menstrual hygiene practices, and announced the BAL’s funding for a new on-site latrine.

It was also great meeting Hannah O’Flynn and Brianna Salvatore Dueck, two dynamic sports business leaders and basketball-focused content creators who brought great energy to the court while showcasing the drills and techniques. 

Other noteworthy events include our End GBV Basketball Tournament, organized June 22nd at the Rukara Basketball Court. Over 1,500 community members attended to watch basketball games featuring top STR youth and women from four sectors in Kayonza District. The event also offered free health testing and educational speeches by government officials and local nonprofit partners. The event’s theme focused on the importance of gender equality and related issues, such as gender-based violence and harmful stereotypes - which were tackled in a clever skit performed by youth members of the My Voice My Power program.

And most recently, on July 30, 2024, Shooting Touch Rwanda hosted a community-wide basketball-for-health event at the Nyamirama Court, featuring special guests US Ambassador Kneedler and Grant Williams, a forward for the Charlotte Hornets, NBPA First Vice President, and board member of Shooting Touch. The event included opening remarks from both individuals, group warm-ups, basketball competitions, and ongoing health testing for non-communicable diseases. 

It was such a neat experience interacting with an NBA player in such a remote part of the country, and offering a window into our programs. Grant was a great sport, engaging with all beneficiaries and even challenging them to games of 1v1. While I like to take pride in my defensive competitiveness, it was pretty cool being on the receiving end of a Grant Williams step-back three right on my head. 

The following two days were equally memorable. In Rwinkwavu, I led a group warm-up alongside Grant and coach Diane for the 100+ female beneficiaries circled around the court, doing jumping jacks while singing a Rwandan chant. That will always be a funny moment I’ll never forget. And the following morning, I was in attendance for a conversation hosted by the US Embassy in Rwanda with Grant, who spoke about how basketball can build community, influence social change, and drive economic development - especially in regards to Africa’s growing basketball industry. 

There have been plenty of other basketball-related moments that I’ll hold near and dear to me, like watching Jerry carry out a practice at a local high school, or playing full-court pick-up basketball at night in Nyamirama and Nyarutarama. [insert video of Jerry]

One of my most treasured memories was before a women’s practice in Nyamirama, about halfway through my fellowship. I was standing next to coach Nicolas, who was addressing a large group of female beneficiaries. For whatever reason, Nicolas had to take care of a matter, which momentarily left me alone in front of this crowd staring back at me. 

Clearly, there was a huge language barrier, and I had no idea what to say or do. So I expressed “Mwiriwe,” or “good afternoon,” to which they responded “Mwiriwe neza!” I then asked them “amakuru,” or “how are you?” They were pleasantly surprised that I knew at least a bare minimum of Kinyarwanda and they all smiled and responded “meza neza,” or “we’re good!” 

In turn, they asked me how I was doing, to which I responded, “meze fresh!” a very informal way of stating “I’m great!” The expression amusingly caught them off guard, and they all burst into laughter and clapped, making me feel like prime Eddie Murphy. 

But as light-hearted as that moment was, it was also a profound display of generosity, making me feel welcomed and appreciated for my effort to connect in their language. It highlighted the warmth and openness of the community, which was apparent to me from the very first day.

As my fellowship nears its completion, I am continually amazed by the vibrant basketball culture in Africa and the profound impact it has on communities, both across the continent as well as here in Rwanda. The past six months have not only deepened my love for the game, but also broadened my perspective on its global influence - as well as on local communities. 

It’s truly been a privilege to witness history in the making and observe the dedication of players, coaches, and fans across the continent. I’m eager to contribute further and carry these unforgettable experiences with me wherever my journey takes me next.

In The Home Stretch

In The Home Stretch

My concept of time has changed so much since moving to Rwanda. If you’ve been following along with my other blog posts (thank you to my four loyal fans), you know this to be true. When I first arrived in January, I had a ton of questions and very few answers. What was my life really going to look like here? What would a typical day in Rwanda truly consist of? Will I actually survive seven months without my dog and sushi? Learning to fall asleep to the sound of insects outside my window felt strange at first. This next statement may expose my spoiled side, but figuring out how to cook meals for myself everyday proved to be quite the challenge. But, just as I managed to survive the first twenty-two years of my life, I have figured out life in Africa and can honestly say that I am now thriving. Now that it’s June, I have very different questions. Which court should I visit for practice today? Did I remember to feed the dog that now lives on our porch? Am I really ready to leave this life behind and go back to America? I think some of the best moments in life are not when your questions get answered, but when they are changed altogether and you are given an entirely new point of view.

June began with a visit from TRLE, or Tennessee Rwanda Leadership Experience for those of you who aren’t well versed in random acronyms. We hosted them for a practice at my home court in Rwinkwavu, where they joined in drills and scrimmaged with some of our players. We always have a great time hosting guests, because it gives people a front row seat to exactly what it is we do here everyday. The late nights of June felt just like typical summer nights back home, filled with howling dogs, chirping crickets, and stars scattered in the sky as far as the eyes can see. During the second week of the month, I got extremely sick. I wish I had a more eloquent way to describe that, but I’m going to spare you the chunky details and let you know that after a quick trip to the Rwinkwavu hospital and a cocktail of antibiotics, I am back to being a picture of health. That was one of the biggest challenges I’ve faced during my fellowship, and I’m not ashamed to admit that I have never missed my mom more than I did during that week. 

Halfway through the month, we hosted an event at our court in Mayange. We hosted a basketball tournament while health testing took place next to the court, which is the perfect embodiment of what Shooting Touch is all about. Our organization does incredible work for the communities out here, and every time we host an event, I’m reminded of just how special this opportunity has been for both myself and for the beneficiaries of our programming. On the slower days here, I sometimes wonder if moving nine thousand miles away from home was the best decision. But then, when I get to see the joy on a kid’s face while they hoist up their new trophy, I know that it absolutely was. We also held an event in Rukara, which kept me busy and improved my tan tremendously. The afternoons in Rwanda can get extremely hot and sunny, but I know that complaining about that won’t get me anywhere. Instead, I’ve learned that it’s better to just put on some sunscreen and enjoy the day, which is exactly what I’ve been doing.

Next month will be my last full month in Rwanda before I head to South Africa for a week to work with Basketball Without Borders. I know as soon as the calendar strikes July 1st, I will feel a new sense of admiration for my time here and a sadness that it will be over before I know it. I’m trying to not get too wrapped up in all of the little details, which is a terrible habit of mine. Instead, I’m going to spend time enjoying the scenery, the people, and my life here. Because whether I like it or not, time is going to pass and my remaining days here are going to fly by. But that’s no reason not to stay in the present. I think there’s probably a metaphor hidden somewhere in there, but I’ll let you figure that out. I’ll be here, sitting on my porch with my dog and my Crystal Light lemonade if you need me.

Sports Mirror Life

Sports Mirror Life

As June comes to a close and I am staring down the final quarter of my time in Rwanda, I am starting to reflect a little more on my time here whilst simultaneously wishing for time to slow down. Every month seems to move faster and faster, and June was no different. 

The month started with a Family Day event in Rwinkwavu in which Shooting Touch hosted a second group of students visiting from the University of Tennessee. For the afternoon, the court was painted with a little more Pantone 151, a beautiful sight otherwise known as Tennessee Orange. I love cultivating the growing Knoxville-Shooting Touch Rwanda connection, and having that little taste of home when the group started singing Rocky Top.

The very next day, my family arrived in Rwanda after a series of travel delays. This is the longest I have ever gone without seeing my family, so I was ecstatic to have them here and show them why I love Rwanda so much. We tried to make the most of our limited time together and kept a full itinerary. We started in the east with a safari and a trip to Rwinkwavu to see where I spend most of my time. We then headed north to Musanze to see golden monkeys and visit the Sunzu Yacu Library, a highlight for my whole family. We finished the trip by heading west to Lake Kivu for a few days of relaxing on the water before heading back to Kigali. 

Soon after they departed, it was back to the village and back to work for the rest of the month, with two more events in back-to-back weekends. The first event was a basketball-for-health tournament, including NCD testing, in Mayange. The second event, hosted in Rukara, brought together beneficiaries from all four Kayonza courts to educate against gender-based violence (GBV). The “End GBV” event was a long, hot day, but you would never know it by the energy of the players and surrounding community. The edge of the court was packed with people from start to finish, and the line for health testing continued to grow hour after hour.

After the end of the women’s tournament, I spoke with a few women from Rukara about the event, and the importance of raising awareness about GBV prevention. One woman, Magnifique, spoke about basketball bringing women in the community together, teaching them about their inner light, and helping them stand tall as women. This conversation struck me, and reminded me of a Mark Twain quote one of my college coaches shared with me years ago: “A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” There is an inner confidence and self-worth that inevitably follows sports, and it was moving to hear Magnifique talk about Shooting Touch with such conviction, joy, and vigor. It was also a reminder that sports can be a microcosm of life, and what you learn through sport translates to life. The confidence you build on the court doesn’t leave you when you walk into the community. 

I also had the joy this month of helping host Grace, one of my former teammates at Tennessee, a fellow VOLeader, and an absolutely incredible human. While she was here, she got to experience all sides of Shooting Touch from events to practices and everything in between. She even stayed with Madi and I in the village for a few days of early morning coffee, yoga on the porch, and afternoon basketball practices. On Grace’s last night in the village, the three of us sat on the porch well past our usual bedtime talking, laughing, and reflecting on the very different yet similar paths we took to all be sitting there together. It was a full-circle moment and a great way to round out the end of June.

Heading into July, I know I can’t slow down the clock, despite my best intentions. Instead, I want to be intentional, stay in the present, and soak up every possible moment. From the basketball court to the late nights hanging out with Madi and our favorite village dogs to the bus rides connecting it all, there is so much left to do, and I plan to enjoy all of it. 

Small Encounters and Local Journeys

Small Encounters and Local Journeys

While I feel accustomed to life here in Rwanda, I’m sometimes reminded by friends and family just how unique and outside of the norm this opportunity has been. After all, exactly a year ago, I was working from an office in New York City’s Meatpacking District. Crazy how the circumstances can change in a year.

For some reason, it’s been a challenge trying to sit down and think about what to take away from this experience - I don’t want to simply list the different things I’ve done or seen.

It’s an interesting time right now. President Kagame is currently campaigning for re-election. This year is especially notable, given that it marks the 30th commemoration of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. 

While I’m beginning to miss life back home, I can look back and reminisce about the plethora of unique memories I’ve shared here with friends, family, and colleagues. Fundamentally, this year has been an absolute adventure: here are a few of my favorite things, starting with…

The beauty of the landscape. Rwanda’s rolling hills, lush foliage, and breathtaking sunsets are a constant source of awe. I love watching the pink clouds preceding a dramatic sunset, especially when traveling to the Shooting Touch courts in Nyamirama. The journey itself, whether by bus or moto - and often on bumpy dirt roads - offers a chance to soak in the natural beauty and the rhythm of daily life. 

Interacting with the local community has been incredibly rewarding. Whether it’s greeting moto drivers with a friendly “mwiriwe” or “bite,” or chatting with kids who excitedly shout “Muzungu!” as I pass by, these small moments of connection are special. Learning a bit of Kinyarwanda has helped build rapport and trust, making these interactions even more meaningful. 

One of my favorite activities is heading to the Shooting Touch courts to assist with practices and scrimmage with the older boys and coaches. The enthusiasm and energy at the courts are contagious. I enjoy timing my trips during the late afternoon to catch the stunning sunsets and to see the pedestrians walking alongside the roads, often meeting my glance with curiosity.

Initially, being pointed out or stared at due to my appearance was a bit uncomfortable. However, I quickly embraced this attention, understanding it came from a place of curiosity rather than judgment. Despite being an outsider, I’ve always felt welcome and have appreciated the kindness and hospitality of the Rwandan people.

In Nyamirama, practices often conclude at 7pm, and sometimes finding a moto can be challenging. On numerous occasions, local kids and pedestrians have chatted with me, showing off their limited English while I’d show off my limited Kinyarwanda. They always get a kick out of it when I say, “meze fresh,” which roughly translates to “really good” in slang. 

Traveling from Kayonza Taxi Park to the Shooting Touch house in Rwinkwavu, especially at night, is always memorable. The winding roads from Kabarondo descend into a deep valley contoured by cornfields and vast greenery. On clear nights, the bright stars add to the magical feeling of the journey. While it might sound cheesy, cutting through the brisk air and cruising through rural Rwanda, surrounded by its natural beauty and vibrant community, often triggers an existential “what the hell” moment like few other experiences can.

11. Change is a Must

11. Change is a Must

May here in Rwanda was a flurry of activity back and forth from the Rwinkwavu to Kigali to Rilima and back again, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Now that May has come and gone, and I have had time to reflect a little more, I realize how this experience has truly brought my athletic experiences full circle.   

Anyone who watches basketball knows the name Pat Summitt, the legendary coach of the University of Tennessee Lady Volunteers basketball program and a pioneer of women’s athletics. I was fortunate to grow up in Knoxville and later be a student-athlete at the University of Tennessee in an athletics department heavily shaped by Pat’s legacy. Pat’s definite dozen, a set of rules that guided her program, is a staple of every Lady Vol team, and I know all twelve by heart. One particular axiom has presented itself in a myriad of ways this month: number 11 -- Change is a Must. 

May was a month of growth personally, professionally, and for Shooting Touch as an organization. I am officially over halfway through my time in Rwanda, and while I still have much more to learn, I am at point now where I can start to reflect and see the lessons I have learned here. I know that I am walking away from this fellowship changed and my perspectives broadened in ways I never imagined. 

Professionally, this was an exciting month, and I had the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects in addition to the normal routine of basketball practices. First, we prepped and hosted a group of students from my alma mater at our Rilima court for an afternoon of home visits, basketball practice, and a health lesson on the importance of electrolytes in hydration. The students were fantastic, and I had the opportunity to catch up with a former professor and mentor who has been so supportive of me both during my time at Tennessee and after. Off the court, I started researching Rwanda’s National Strategy for Transformation. As I read the report from front to back, I documented the specific goals relevant to Shooting Touch’s work, and how our programs are moving the needle on sweeping issues such as health equity and gender equality. Later that same week, Madi and I helped paint the basketball court in Mayange for an upcoming event in partnership with the Basketball Africa League, a task that required more math than I’ve done in years. Needless to say, I wore a lot of hats this month. 

The Mayange event was a personal highlight as we hosted the BAL U-23 Women’s camp for a basketball clinic and sexual and reproductive health workshop with over 100 women from our courts. Seeing the U-23 players engaging with our beneficiaries and coaches was an incredible picture of the growth of women’s basketball in Africa and a reminder as to why investment in women’s sports and education programs, from recreational to professional teams, is so important. 

I grew up in a place that has always placed value on women’s sports, and women’s basketball in particular, and I know that I would not be where I am today without my community and university’s investment in women’s sports. Now on the other side of my athletic career, I feel an obligation to continue to elevate the women’s game, whether that be basketball or any other sport. Change is a must, and so we’ll keep pushing forward and fighting to provide opportunities for women and girls to play. 

As always, Turikumwe and Go Lady Vols!

The More, the Merrier

The More, the Merrier

I’m writing this blog post sitting at my kitchen table in the village of Rwinkwavu, watching the sunset over the valley as another day comes to a close. It’s moments like these, when the chorus of chatter in the neighboring houses and birds chirping to each other is filling the air, that I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for my life. I have been so fortunate to live in Rwanda for five months now, where geckos in my ceiling and basketball shoes scattered all around my house have become the new norm. Rainy season came and went, just as all things seem to do here. The sun has settled into its regular post directly above my head for the majority of the daytime hours, so my farmer’s and sock tans are at an all time high. The month of May was filled with so many highs and so few lows, you’ll probably think I’m exaggerating when I tell you about it. But I assure you, life really is this good right now.

If you can believe it, my first major purchase in May was a new tattoo from the Last Pharaohs Ink shop in Kigali. I would love to tell you I haven’t gotten another one since then, but I can’t lie to you, so I won’t. Instead, I’ll tell you that although my mom isn’t too stoked about it, my three new additions have healed well and have made a lot of kids at our courts smile. I spent a good portion of the beginning of the month in Kigali, handling some visa paperwork to ensure I could stay for the remainder of my fellowship without any issues. Kigali is just like any other city in the world, bustling with people and noise. In the spirit of complete honesty, I will say that while I may eat better when I’m in the city, I much prefer my home in the village. The peace and stillness of my little neighborhood is unlike anywhere else I’ve ever been, so whenever I am presented with the choice, you’ll likely find me with my iPad, water bottle, and crocs on my couch in Rwink. The middle of the month was full of practices across the Kayonza District and anticipation for what was to come.

My family came to visit for a week towards the end of the month, which still has me feeling refreshed and recharged. You can show your brother countless pictures and FaceTime your mom every single day, but nothing does Rwanda justice quite like visiting and experiencing it for yourself. Taking them to my house, introducing them to our house manager and friend Chantal, and letting them attend practices at two of our courts was extremely important to me, as I wanted them to get a real glimpse into my life here. While my daily activities may vary, waking up to journal and ending my night with a walk home from practice is pretty standard, so I wanted to make sure we took enough time for them to soak it all in. One of my mom’s bucket list items has always been to go on a safari trip in Africa, so I’m really glad we got to check that off as a family. I wish I had more eloquent words to describe her reaction to seeing a zebra in the wild for the first time, but I am not going to try and write about pure joy with insignificant words. We then traveled back to Kigali, where my family got to eat at various restaurants, visit local shops, and even attend some BAL games with me. Watching my brother and step-dad pick teams to root for and get invested in the games was so fun, I wish I could’ve bottled the excitement up. I know you may not believe me, but I actually did not cry when I dropped them off at the airport. Instead, I felt peaceful as they disappeared from view, knowing that I got to share this part of myself with them. I know that for the rest of our days, we’ll all remember different highlights from this visit and recall those memories fondly.

After wrapping up the personal chapter of May, it was back to grinding work mode. One day was spent all day at our court in Mayange, painting in preparation for our event in collaboration with the BAL. Another day was spent running around town in Kigali, buying materials and triple-checking things to make sure they were absolutely perfect. On the last day of the month, we hosted the BAL’s U23 women’s team and many other visitors at Mayange, where they got to run basketball drills with our female beneficiaries and listen in on a health lesson.

I was fortunate enough to attend multiple BAL games during the last week of the month, including the championship game. While the NBA has mastered many aspects of professional basketball, there is an excitement surrounding the BAL unlike anything else I’ve ever felt.

As you may have already guessed, May was my favorite month I’ve had in Rwanda since coming here at the beginning of the year. If I had to sum it up in one word, it would be full. My heart is happy, my body is tired, and my head is calm. Does it get better than that?

Passing Time

Passing Time

Time in Rwanda is a strange concept. It passes the same way it does everywhere else, but there’s something about it that is hard to put into words. Some days feel like they last an eternity, like the sun is never going to set and the clock isn’t even ticking. Other days seem to pass by in the blink of an eye, like waking up and going to bed happen within minutes of each other. 

April was a month full of exploration, adventuring, and growth. I know you probably think that sounds cheesy, and you are one hundred percent correct. It is incredibly cheesy and sappy and all of those other words. Rwanda has softened me in a lot of ways and opened me up to ways of thinking that I would have never even considered before moving here. I’d have to say that’s a good thing, considering how hard my outer shell was before coming to Rwanda. 

During the month of April, I traveled outside of Rwanda and around the continent for the first time. My first stop was in Kenya, where we got to go on a boat safari on Lake Naivasha and ride bikes around Hell’s Gate National Park. If you’re anything like me, seeing the hundredth zebra is just as cool as the first one. After Kenya, we headed to Tanzania to catch a ferry to take us to Zanzibar. As much as I enjoyed the animals and wildlife in Kenya, laying on the beach with a mocktail in my hand is much more my speed. Zanzibar consisted of eating seafood, petting dogs, and strolling from lounge chair to lounge chair. I know, it sounds like a dream (it was). After leaving Zanzibar, we spent our last night abroad in Dar Es Salaam, where it was flooded from the rain and we were serenaded to sleep by the chorus of frogs outside our hostel.

One of my worst habits is future tripping, which is always heightened when I am doing something super fun and enjoyable. When I’m on vacation, I am constantly thinking about when it is going to end and when I’ll have to get back to home and reality. This time, something about it felt a bit different. Instead of flying across the entire world and back to America, I’d be headed back to my second home in Rwanda. Instead of the typical pit forming in my stomach, a sudden longing for the village kicked in. Out of nowhere, I found myself craving samosas from Imigongo and the comfort of my mosquito net in Rwinkwavu. That is proof in itself that I am growing here, feeling less like a little kid and more like an adult wanting to return to the familiarity of routine and work.

The rest of the month went by quickly, filled by days on the computer and nights at the courts of Kayonza. I can feel my relationships with the Shooting Touch members growing with every passing hour. The coaches feel like family and the people at the courts feel like friends. Kids now address me by name, which is a big deal in case you were curious. I’ve managed to knock most of the dust off of my jump shot, despite what some of you may think. 

We finished April with a Family Day event at our court in Mukarange. Tons of members of the community came out for scrimmages, shooting competitions, mini-games, and health testing. I wish I had enough words to describe the atmosphere of an event like this one, but I wouldn’t be doing it any justice, so I won’t try. I’ll just tell you that until you have seen a lady put her baby down, tie back her skirt, and proceed to win a shooting contest, you haven’t lived. 

Overall, April was full of growing pains, both the good and bad kind. I’ve been here for four months now and I’m sure I’ll be home before I know it. My biggest takeaway from my time here so far has been this: take the time to enjoy the present, because it will be the past before we know it.

A Brand New Path

A Brand New Path

A few weeks ago, while on a morning run in Rwinkwavu, a group of roughly six kids decided to run with me. While this is not an uncommon occurrence, this particular morning, I was craving some alone time and the serenity that comes with a solo run, so, I ventured a little further into the valley, leaving behind the roads and opting for lightly trodden paths and unforgiving sunlight. This first time, I was absolutely turned around when the path I thought I was following disappeared. By the time I finally found my way out of the valley, I had unintentionally added an extra half mile to my run, and I knew I had a new go-to route. I liked the challenge of running on an unknown course that changes daily with the rain. Every day, I get to pick up a new path and maybe get lost a few times, but also have a chance to explore a little more of this beautiful place I currently call home. 

Sometimes around here, I feel like I oscillate between feeling comfortable in a steady routine and feeling like I just arrived and I’m following a brand new path. On one hand, I feel like I am truly starting to settle into the rhythm of life here. On the other hand, there are days when everything feels like a new challenge. Even when I think I may have everything figured out, I realize there is still much to learn and much to see. At times, it can be frustrating, and I wish for the comfort and convenience of life in the US. However, I am just as quickly reminded that this is an incredible opportunity to push outside of my comfort zone and experience work and life in a completely new and different way. 

April was a slower month, but it was also a much-needed respite and offered the opportunity to do some travel around Africa. First, our Director of Communications, Sam, and I traveled to Namibia for a few days of sand dunes and road-tripping up and down the coast. The next week, Madi and I took a trip to Kenya and Tanzania where we biked through Hell’s Gate National Park and visited Zanzibar. If you had told me a year ago that I would travel to all of these new places, I never would have believed you, but I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to do so. Across both of these trips, I found myself in new cultures and visiting some awe-inspiring places I never could have imagined. 

After all of the travel, it was nice to return to the familiar rhythms of the village and the basketball court. The idea of coming home, back to the house in Rwinkwavu, was a new feeling for me, but after some reflection, it is clear that this is where I want to be right now. There is a feeling of familiarity here that took a few months to develop. Even on the days when I miss my family or feel like I am walking a new path, I have a sense of home here. When I am on the basketball courts with our beneficiaries and walking around a village where the kids know my name and I know theirs as well, I realize that I am comfortable here. 

But I want to be clear, this sense of comfort should not be confused with complacency. I know there is still so much for me to explore, and much that I still have to learn. With only a few months left, I am trying to savor the time I have here and soak up every possible moment, especially the challenging ones. 

Leave Room for Margins

Leave Room for Margins

If you looked at the wall above my desk anytime over the last 3 years, you would have seen a small sticky note taped up with one simple phrase: “leave room for margins.” A coach and mentor of mine said this phrase to me during a particularly busy week, and I hastily scribbled it down. For years, it has stuck with me as a much-needed but seldom-followed reminder to slow down. However, I don’t think I truly understood it until coming to Rwanda.

As a lover of to-do lists and busy schedules, my go-to performance metric for life is productivity. However, this past month has taught me that the day should not be measured by how many checklist items you complete or the fullness of your schedule. Time is much more valuable than that, and the moments you leave open - the margins throughout the day - are often the most rewarding.

The month of March was a busy one for the Shooting Touch Rwanda team. Kicking off with a community basketball-for-equality day in Rilima, the month quickly shifted to preparation for the largest event of the year - International Women’s Day (IWD). 

Planning for this event was a true team effort. Between Zoom calls, shared Google Docs, and lots of WhatsApp voice memos, everything came together. Madi and I edited and re-edited the schedule more times than I can count. Alex and I spent a few days researching the disproportionate impact of sexually transmitted infections and noncommunicable diseases on women in Rwanda, a topic I found both fascinating and astounding. I spent the better part of an afternoon buying paints and sheets for each court’s tournament banner, and in the final days of preparation, we planned a coaching clinic on basketball drills and expectations for the IWD event. 

Once the day arrived, everything went relatively smoothly, and the event was deemed a success! It would be impossible to talk about the day without giving a well-deserved shout-out to Denise, our Community Engagement Coordinator for Kayonza District. Not only did she do most of the heavy lifting in preparation, but she also acted as MC for the entire day. 

We started early with a 5 kilometer march to the court at Nyamirama, where the basketball competition began in earnest. The games were competitive, the crowds were cheering loudly, the guest speakers were engaging, and over 200 community members were screened for NCDs and STIs. One personal highlight of the day that stuck out to me was hosting high school students from the Noble and Greenough School in Boston, as it was a similar trip that originally brought me to Rwanda two years ago. The time I spent at a Shooting Touch court during my first visit to Rwanda left a lasting impression, and I hope this group of students had a similar experience throughout the weekend. 

Even with a long to-do list this month, I still found moments of slowness that, while sometimes frustrating, offered me a chance to reflect on my approach to work and life. Hoping for the rain to stop so that I could find a moto to take me to practice, or watching the clock tick by while waiting for the last seat on the bus to be filled so it would finally depart from the station - these things can admittedly be infuriating. However, I am learning that here, you must be willing to take the day a little slower. No one around you cares about your productivity or self-imposed schedule, and quite frankly, it doesn’t really matter. You’ll get there when you get there.

Instead, it’s the people and the small moments that matter. It’s finding ways to converse with neighbors in a mix of broken English and Kinyarwanda, taking a few extra seconds to wait for the kids in the village to run to catch up to you, or laughing it off when a toddler sticks a finger up your nose on the bus. It’s spending a few extra minutes on the court after practice with our beneficiaries and spending time getting to know our incredible group of coaches. The small margins throughout the day leave time for these unplanned moments and interactions that I know I will look back on fondly. 

Now that International Women’s Day is behind us, I am looking forward to a few weeks of calm and some travel mixed in before the pace picks up again. If you need me in the meantime, I can likely be found running in the valley, working from a cafe in Rwinkwavu, or reading my tenth book of the year! Sawa!

New Rhythms in Rwanda: Exploring Life, Basketball, and Community

New Rhythms in Rwanda: Exploring Life, Basketball, and Community

Much has changed since my previous attempt to organize my thoughts and articulate what life has been like in Rwanda thus far. The very start of the year marked a rapid period of transition that left little time for reflection, as I quickly had to adjust to life in a new country as an outsider. 

The first few weeks were effortlessly exciting due to all the novel stimuli. Upon disembarking from the plane late at night, I immediately inhaled Kigali's (somewhat) smoky air, relished the impeccable temperature, and embraced the prevailing tranquility. And during the daytime, I observed the dance of human interaction, characterized by the hustle and bustle in downtown Kigali —which strongly contrasted from the slower pace of the villages in the Kayonza district.

Certain adjustments were inevitable, which included overcoming language barriers, understanding the transportation system, and being far away from friends and family in New York. But fortunately, the transition has generally been smooth, thanks to the welcoming embrace of the entire Shooting Touch team, the mild-mannered nature of Rwandans, and the overall serenity of the country.

And on the basketball side of things, it was a thrill introducing myself to the hundreds of beneficiaries in Kayonza and Bugesera, as was the opportunity to begin developing relationships with all the coaches. 

The months of February and March were when I began to fall into a routine and get the ball rolling with my fellowship responsibilities. As the Marketing and Development fellow, I work closely with Sam, the organization’s current Director of Communications, where I primarily focus on organizational storytelling and cultivating relationships with local and international partners. It's been nothing but fun collaborating with someone as lighthearted and smart as he is—we’ve also become a solid pick-and-roll tandem.

A couple work-related highlights stand out to me. After assisting Coach Muhoza with a practice at the Mukarange court, I had the privilege of speaking with three women —with Coach Denise providing her indispensable translation services—about why they love Shooting Touch.

Sandrine, a mother of two and dedicated community health worker, shared how her introduction to the Shooting Touch program came through her children's involvement. Observing the program's beneficial effects on her kids' self-esteem and discipline, she decided to join herself. Demonstrating remarkable leadership, Sandrine mobilized 70 women in a single day to participate in the STR court activities.

"At first, we thought Shooting Touch was all about basketball. Then we learned about the lessons on sanitation, washing hands, and drinking clean water. The women here want to be healthy, and they want to learn about family planning, so they can focus on basketball and growing as people." 

I also chatted with Esther, a 26-year-old single mother hailing from Kayonza. Her introduction to Shooting Touch occurred during an announcement for a "Family Day" event at Mukarange in November 2023. Basketball swiftly became a catalyst for change in her life, shifting her focus from mundane household chores to a journey of self-exploration and camaraderie. Engaging with the program, Esther discovered a supportive community of women who not only shared her passion for the sport but also offered invaluable life guidance and encouragement.

“Coming to the court helped me make friends, which has provided a lot of value for me. And seeing the other women play without feeling shy or acting weak - especially the older women - really motivates me to work hard and take advantage of my strength as a young woman." 

Last but not least, I then spoke with Colette, a 69-year-old Ugandan-born woman, who, despite her age, finds immense joy in the Shooting Touch program. “When I came here, my ribs were very swollen and I had high blood pressure. After I started playing with ShootingTouch, the pain started to disappear. Now I sleep well at night because my high blood pressure is under control. That’s why I like doing this.” 

While linguistic barriers prevented me from diving into further specifics, their answers revealed certain universal traits that we all share: a need for community, a desire to be healthy and be understood, as well as a simple outlet for play. Seeing that joy emanate from a group of women who don’t have the most comfortable day-to-day lives evokes a profound sense of connection and warmth. As idealistic as it may seem, sports truly do have the immense power to remind us of our shared humanity that exists in all of us.


Mixed in between the programming work were opportunities to take advantage of Rwanda’s natural beauty, which included a fellows group trip in early February out to Musanze, a district in the Northern Province of Rwanda, where we hiked the breathtaking Mount Sabinyo, accompanied by a few guides and military men, and also kayaked Lake Ruhondo. 

Weeks later, I ran my first half marathon in the heart of Nyungwe National Park with a young Ethiopian man named Waka who happened to be on my shuttle. The breezy conditions, picturesque views, supportive energy, and little monkeys hanging out on the side of the road made for an awesome experience. To my delight, I finished the race in two hours flat without any training, though I did pay a small price the following days when the DOMS hit (Delayed onset muscle soreness), while also enduring a bout of food poisoning— which is for another story.

It has also been a great opportunity to meet other stakeholders in the basketball world. For example, I’ve nurtured a relationship with former professional basketball, Yusef Aziz, who’s now the president of Azomco Global, an impressive basketball consultancy based in Rwanda playing a pivotal role in basketball development across Africa.

At my gym and on social media, I’ve connected with current professional players in Rwanda playing for teams like APR Basketball Club and Tigers BBC, including a couple guys who initially came up through Shooting Touch’s program. I grabbed coffee with Olivier Kamilindi, a pro player for Patriots BBC, who shared with me his ambitions of growing his U16 and U12 basketball academy.

With Sam and our friend Michel, we made our way down to the finish line of the Tour du Rwanda in Kayonza, where we were surrounded by thousands of onlookers watching from the balconies. We took pictures with the mascot and members of the racing teams. A dehydrated Sam and I even squared off in a highly competitive pedal powered slot racing game (luckily, nobody passed out). 

And during the occasions I had some downtime in Kigali, I’d sometimes head out to Mamba Club in Kimihurura to challenge one of my closest friends Emmy to a bowling game. I currently have a tight 3-2 lead to preserve.

Other noteworthy moments include challenging Coach Laurent to a full court game of one on one to 75 in scorching heat, as well as Sam getting out of his car to do an impression of Sulley from Monsters Inc and scare off a group of little kids who were touching the moving vehicle.


The months of February and March were especially busy, as we prepped for two of Shooting Touch’s marquee events. 

The first was Bugesera’s Basketball-For-Equality Day. Its primary focus was to increase access to physical activity in rural Rwanda, while providing education to the residents of Bugesera District (Rilima & Mayange Sectors) regarding the importance of gender equality and related issues, such as gender-based violence (GBV) and harmful gender stereotypes. Additionally, this event featured health screenings for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) for all eligible community members in attendance.

The event was held in collaboration with local government and nonprofit partners, and featured an appearance from Azomco’s leadership team and players —who helped assist with coaching duties. 

For me, the event marked an opportunity to interview different stakeholders. I first had a conversation in French with Ephraim Sebarundi, Rilima’s Sector Executive, about his community’s history of partnering with Shooting Touch.

“We express our gratitude for the partnership between Shooting Touch and the Bugesera district, specifically in the areas of sports and health. ST has assisted us in mentoring girls and women in the field of sports and has supported us in the health domain through tests for non-hereditary diseases, including diabetes and hypertension.” [feature short clip]

In between one of the basketball games, a clever sketch was performed by teenage participants of the My Voice, My Power program, which uses creative ways to teach young girls and boys about empowerment and self-defense through interactive conversations and activities. This approach allows adolescents to reflect on their daily lives in terms of power dynamics, gender roles, and interpersonal relationships between boys and girls. The hope is that these participants will eventually become advocates for equality and social change in their communities.

I spoke to the lead actor who shared the benefits he’s experienced having joined the program. “Before joining the club, I found it shameful to discuss sex. Now, unafraid, I learned positive aspects of sex education, and now choose friends based on positive conversations and ignoring negativity.”

Regarding the sketch, he explains that “the sketch emphasizes the importance of respecting a girl’s ‘no.’ It educates about obtaining condoms before sex and highlights the option to purchase pads for girls.” 

I also asked a few questions to a health practitioner who tested attendees for NCDs, diabetes, and measuring people’s BMI. “People should do sports and also know about the importance of proper hygiene, drinking clean water. All the people here getting tested for NCDs should also get education about sexually transmitted diseases and getting different lessons concerning HIV.”

Overall, the event was a success, though by the end of the event, us fellows were drained by the heat, the competitive on-court tensions, and the logistics of handling the hundreds of people in attendance.


The Bugesera served as a useful practice for the really big event held on March 16th: Shooting Touch’s International Women’s Day Celebration.

The IWD festivities began with a spirited 5km march. Participants of all genders and ages enthusiastically walked, sang, and danced through the streets of Nyamirama, accompanied by a group of talented female drummers from Rwinkwavu Sector. 

Following the march, attention turned to the highly competitive 3-on-3 basketball tournament at STR’s Nyamirama court, featuring teams from four sectors in Kayonza District (Rwinkwavu, Rukara, Mukarange, and Nyamirama). An audience of more than 1,000 community members witnessed the fierce competition, with Rukara Sector emerging victorious in the U18 Boys’ and U18 Girls’ Division titles. Mukarange Sector clinched the U13 Youth title, and Nyamirama Sector took home first place in the Women’s competition. 

Additionally, STR coaches recognized four players with “Most Valuable Leader” awards for their outstanding leadership both on and off the court, and over 200 community members took advantage of free health screenings. 

As I continue my journey in Rwanda, I carry with me the stories of resilience and determination that I’ve encountered. Through the ups and downs, the victories and challenges, I remain deeply honored to be a part of this journey, contributing in my own small way to the larger movement of positive change. And as Rwanda commemorates the 30th anniversary of the genocide, the work of Shooting Touch takes on added significance, serving as a beacon of healing, reconciliation, and hope in the midst of remembrance and reflection.

The Rain Always Passes

The Rain Always Passes

March came and went, just like rainstorms in Rwanda do. It feels really intense at first, like the thunder is literally going to shake your house off of its foundation. The drops on your roof are so incredibly loud, it sounds like it must be hailing, even though that pretty much never happens here. But, after the initial shock and downpour, the sky cracks open and the sun starts bleeding through the clouds. Slowly, the day’s gray tone fades and light returns, highlighting all of the beauty that’s right outside my front door. March was the exact same way. At first, it felt overwhelming. Time was in fact passing, but for me it felt as though it was standing still. The feelings of homesickness and yearning for familiarity set in hard early in the month, making a daily routine hard to follow. But, just as the rainstorm always fades, so do the negative feelings. Because in Rwanda, it’s hard to feel sad. The people are too friendly to keep a smile off your face, the scenery is too pretty not to take a million pictures of. The way of life here is extremely different from what I’m used to, but I’m starting to appreciate it rather than dwell on it.

March was the most eventful month I’ve had since moving here, and I say that in the best possible way. We had a group from Nobles High School come to visit, and for the first time, I was the veteran showing people around. I got to tell them about my first three months here and answer all of their questions. It made me feel a myriad of emotions, knowing I was explaining this country as my home now rather than just another blip on a map. It made me feel proud, and happy, and good about what we are doing here. While that group was here visiting, I got to lead my first coaching clinic with the help of their championship-winning girl’s basketball coach. We showed all of our Rwandan coaches new drills and explained which parts of the game the drills were emphasizing. I felt comfortable leading my drills and eager to learn during the other coach’s drills. 

Then, a few days later, Shooting Touch hosted its annual International Women’s Day event. The day began with a 5K march from a women’s center to our courts in Nyamirama. I know what you’re probably thinking, but I actually did complete the 5K. No, I didn’t run it, but I made it to the finish line and that’s all that matters in my book. Once everyone reached the court, our 3-on-3 basketball tournament began. Four different age groups from each of our four villages in the Kayonza district competed. I was in charge of scheduling all of the games, staff, and time slots, so I wanted everything to go perfectly according to our schedule. But as I am quickly learning here, nothing ever goes exactly as planned. That was a hard thing for me to accept at first, but coming to terms with that has made my life here less stressful and more enjoyable. Because even if a game starts five minutes later than it's supposed to, or a speaker takes a little longer to deliver their message, the day still ends up being a success. People have fun connecting with each other, kids and adults leave everything they have on the courts, and any remaining barriers between me and the community members here in Rwanda are knocked down. 

March was only 31 days, but I wouldn’t change anything that happened on any one of those days, even if I could. I learned more about the country I am living in, the people around me, and about myself. It turns out I am allowed to feel homesick and sad sometimes. I don’t have to pretend like every single day is perfect, because that would be unrealistic. I know now that even on the hardest of days, when all I want to do is lay in bed with my dog, the rain will pass and the sun will come back. I just have to be patient and make it through the storm.

Pet A Dog in Rwanda, It'll Follow You Home

Pet A Dog in Rwanda, It'll Follow You Home

There are so many things to love about Rwanda. From the vibrant people to the sunny days, it’s hard to complain about my days here. Adjusting to life 9,000 miles away from everything familiar is no easy feat, and I’d be lying if I said it was without its challenges. I would give almost anything for some Chick-fil-A or a movie night with my twin brother. Waking up under a mosquito net will probably never feel entirely normal. But for every rough day I may go through, there are ten good days to make up for it. I could go on for hours about all of the things I love here, but there are a few that stand out. The best part about living in Rwanda can be summed up in eleven words: if you pet a dog in Rwanda, it’ll follow you home. This has been my favorite lesson to learn in my first two months here. From the scruffy dog that lives at the local cafe who loves to rest his head on my knee, to the small dog who loves to walk ten feet behind me in the village, I have made a bunch of fluffy friends.

The basketball in Rwanda is something you won’t get to experience anywhere else. People are extremely passionate about every element of the game in a way that I have never seen before. Every rebound is the most important one, every made basket is a victory in and of itself, and every flashy pass belongs on its own highlight reel. The rules of the game are universal and remain the same no matter where you are, but Rwandans put their own spin on every other aspect of the game. The camaraderie among teammates cannot be duplicated. When the kids are playing and one of them scores, the smiles on all of their faces are blindingly bright. The coaches that work for Shooting Touch are invested in so much more than just the athletic success of our beneficiaries. They genuinely care about the well-being of every person that steps onto one of our courts, which has definitely rubbed off on me. I love learning people’s names, high-fiving them, and being greeted with warm hugs and grins. The courts are starting to feel like home and the people are starting to feel like family, which is better than I could have imagined.

Adjusting to a culture that is literally worlds apart from the one I have grown up in has been an adventure to say the least. The language barrier was extremely challenging at first, but I have found that a few key phrases can get me to almost anywhere I need to go. Being able to ask how much something cost, how someone’s day is going, and what someone’s name is has helped me learn a ton about the people around me. Life in Rwanda has become comfortable for me, and it happened much quicker than I anticipated. I have never been a fan of change, and this is probably the biggest possible change I have faced in my life. But because of the people, the atmosphere, and the love of basketball, Rwanda has become my home away from home and I have never been more grateful for something. 

A Step-by-Step Guide To Have a Good Day

A Step-by-Step Guide To Have a Good Day

You know those days when everything seems to be going badly? You woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Despite your best intentions, you just can’t seem to turn the day around? While I wish I could say that everything the past month has been all sunshine and rainbows, that’s not reality for anyone, and I had my fair share of rough days. However, I found the panacea for a “bad day” in the Eastern Providence: going to a Shooting Touch Court. 

Let me illustrate. You make the seven-minute walk from the house to the court in Mayange, and our Head Coach Patrick runs over to give you a fist bump. Next, our Junior Coach, Isaie tosses you a ball - a clear indicator to jump right in with the group shooting around. Once practice starts, you loosen up with a few laps around the court. With every step and the subsequent release of endorphins, your mood starts to lighten. This is compounded by the joy and laughter emanating from the women, and their excitement to have you join them. Then, it’s time for a full-court 12 v 12 scrimmage. Teams are picked and suddenly you’re running up and down the court. You help your teammates try to guard Coach Isaie three-on-one, with limited success and lots of laughter. There are baskets made and celebrated accordingly. You quickly forget about the score and just have fun playing. When Coach Patrick blows the whistle far too soon, your team runs over to give high-fives and fist bumps before meeting as a group for a Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene health lesson.

It’s pretty hard to wallow in a bad mood with that much joy all around you. Whatever I may have been feeling before practice was quickly flipped on its head, and I left feeling energized and in need of a glass of water.

In all actuality, this month has been hectic, but rewarding nonetheless. After spending much of January settling in, it was time to jump into work. Between mobilizing for Mutuelle health insurance registration with our Community Engagement Coordinators, to preparing for the Community Day in Rilima with the entire Shooting Touch leadership team and Fellows, to drafting and teaching a Coaching Clinic on professional communication with Madi, a lot was going on. In between, I traveled an estimated 600km back and forth between Mayange, Rwinkwavu, and Kigali. Needless to say, for a very short month, February was packed full.

The highlight of the month, by far, was our community day in Rilima. After working with the Shooting Touch leadership team and specifically Ingrid, our Community Engagement Coordinator in Bugesera, it was exciting to have all our work come together for a fun day of basketball and noncommunicable disease (NCD) testing. Our teams from both Rilima and Mayange came to play. Every game was competitive and the crowd of spectators was invested in every play. Just as importantly, we were able to provide NCD testing for women aged 35 and above and men aged 40 and above. This meant mobilizing not just our group of beneficiaries in Rilima, but the community at large and providing attendees a better understanding of their health status.

On top of the basketball and health testing, our beneficiaries currently participating in My Voice, My Power, a youth gender equity curriculum led by our local nonprofit partner Paper Crown Rwanda (PCR), presented a skit. It was exciting to see the work that PCR is doing to move the needle on gender equity across Rwanda and watch our beneficiaries share what they are learning. The entire audience was engaged and laughing right along with the beneficiaries performing. Although I may not have caught all of the jokes, I was energized to see the attentiveness of the community and their understanding of the lessons on gender equality that our beneficiaries were sharing. 

At the end of the day, I was exhausted, slightly sunburned, and grateful to have one event under my belt to learn from before preparing for our International Women’s Day event in March. Onward and upward from here!

A Basketball Odyssey in the Land of a Thousand Hills

A Basketball Odyssey in the Land of a Thousand Hills

As of this writing, it’s been about three weeks since I gave my dad two long hugs at JFK, both of us understanding that a new chapter was about to unfold. That moment marked the end of over two years since I had moved back home to New York after graduating from McGill University in Montreal. I was going to deeply miss my friends and family, but it was simply time for new beginnings. I had been counting down the days for this journey to begin, one that would combine my love of basketball with a fascination for a country that has made remarkable strides of progress despite enduring the unimaginable. 

In the early hours of January 9, I touched down in the “Land of a Thousand Hills” after a 20-hour journey that spanned from New York City to the Ivory Coast, then to Ethiopia, and finally Kigali, Rwanda. After picking up my Visa, I grabbed my two suitcases from the luggage claim and spotted a taxi driver who offered to drive me to the Airbnb in Kimihurura where I would be spending the week with Sam - Shooting Touch’s Director of Communications - as well as Lucy and Madi, the two other new Shooting Touch Fellows, hailing from Tennessee and California, respectively. I observed the lush greenery and immaculate streets out the passenger window, though my attention was mainly focused on navigating my driver in French to the correct address while my iPhone desperately hung on at 1%. Alas, I spotted Sam and the guard standing outside the house - I’d finally reached my destination two calendar days after departing.

I woke up early due to the jet lag and worked out with the Olympic rings I had brought over. Later that morning, Sam and I picked up Madi from the airport, who had just completed a six hour layover in Doha. With the Fellowship crew assembled at last, we immediately took part in a group orientation attended by some of the other Shooting Touch colleagues we’d be closely working with: Christelle, our Program Director, as well as Denise and Ingrid - two rockstar Community Engagement Coordinators operating out of Bugesera and Kayonza. Sam orchestrated the orientation over the ensuing couple hours, encouraging us to articulate our individual strengths, our preferred ways of collaborating and receiving feedback, as well as how we wish to successfully grow through this experience. Just as importantly, it was an opportunity for all of us to be vulnerable and transparent about our backgrounds, given that we’d be spending a lot of time with each other.

After Madi took her well-deserved nap, Lucy and I went for a jog around the neighborhood to familiarize ourselves with the new environment and acclimate our lungs to the higher altitude. We were the subject of quite a few stares - a very common occurrence in Rwanda, especially when locals spot some new foreigners in their neighborhood.

The next day, we went to the Shooting Touch court in Mayange Sector, Bugesera District, and got a chance to introduce ourselves to the coaches and female adult beneficiaries. The practice was cut a bit short due to rainfall, but we were able to squeeze in a chaotic full court scrimmage. We then drove over to another court and assisted a boys practice in Rilima. Some of the kids giggled while attempting to utter a few words in English as hundreds of other eyeballs gazed at us with curiosity. A beautiful sunset hung over the field as the practice wrapped up at around 6:00pm. The long day culminated with a dinner in Bugesera at a local restaurant suggested by Sam. I devoured my plate and immediately passed out in the car on the way back.

Spirits were high in Rwinkwavu

Over the ensuing days, Sam helped us set up our local MTN phone SIM cards and Bank of Kigali accounts, a must given the prevalence of Rwanda’s Mobile Money system. We also attended a local youth basketball clinic organized by members of the APR basketball team (Armée Patriotique Rwandaise) led by former Pistons Assistant Coach Billy Bayno. Finally, we visited the Kigali Genocide Memorial, a deeply moving experience. 

Additional highlights involved visiting the court in Nyamirama, where we helped dozens of women build a drainage ditch around the basketball court as part of umuganda, which translates to “coming together in common purpose to achieve an outcome,” as well as taking a 30 minute moto taxi all the way to Rukara, where hundreds of ST female beneficiaries warmly greeted us with applause.

I also recently played on the Rwinkwavu basketball team headed by one of Shooting Touch’s head coaches, Laurent, as part of the Umurenge Kagame Cup, a tournament initiated across the sectors of Rwanda to promote good governance, health, and mobilize citizens to compete in sport and competition. The games were a lot of fun, even though our team didn’t quite come out on top. 

However, my 7:00am two hour bus ride on the way to the Kagame Cup games was just as noteworthy. I met a woman named Judith who was kind enough to share her life story with me. It was both fascinating and sobering, listening to her personal evolution as someone who experienced the 1994 genocide as a 14-year-old and how it continued to affect her life and marriage during the aftermath. She explained how, for years, her life had been tied to domestic work, and how the visual trauma seen by her husband rendered it difficult for him to converse with her. Yet, she assured me that in the last few years, she has finally seen the light at the end of the tunnel, evident in her infectious spirit and personal desire to uplift other women. She also showed me pictures of her kids, now grown up, as well as her wish to ship the avocadoes she grows to the United States.

To me, this encounter further confirmed the myriad reasons for why I was so thrilled to arrive in Rwanda. As I reflect on the past weeks, each encounter, experience, and heartfelt connection has reaffirmed the profound reasons that fueled my excitement for this journey, emphasizing the rich tapestry of personal stories, the transformative power of basketball, and the boundless spirit of resilience within the Rwandan community.


Alexandre earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from McGill University in 2021, majoring in English with minors in Political Science and Communication Studies. Before joining Shooting Touch, Alexandre garnered experience at two prominent public relations agencies in NYC. Alexandre is eager to learn more about how the sports industry can join forces with the public and private sectors to drive social and economic development across Africa. 

You? Basketball? Where?

You? Basketball? Where?

As my dad so often reminds me, I tend to lack a little thing known as hand-eye coordination, and my short-lived youth basketball career is a hot topic of jokes in the Marret household. I found the game more frustrating than rewarding as a competitive kid who hated being bad at things and was more used to having a soccer ball at my feet than a basketball in my hands. So, when I decided to move to Rwanda to work with a sport-for-development basketball organization for eight months, I was met with some skepticism. However, while I may not understand the intricacies of basketball, I can recognize the transformative power of the game to impact communities and build teams. There is nothing like a team environment to lift you up, hold you accountable, and be there to celebrate the big and small moments in life. Being here the last three weeks and observing Shooting Touch in action has only reinforced this notion. 

During my few days in Kigali, we worked through some of the onboarding materials and met with the Shooting Touch leadership staff to better understand this incredible organization and our roles this year. Then we headed to our first court: Mayange Sector in Bugesera District. This was actually the first Shooting Touch court I had ever visited, almost two years ago, when I traveled to Rwanda with the University of Tennessee’s VOLeaders Academy. It was about to start raining when we arrived, so instead of running a full practice, we jumped into a quick scrimmage with the women and quickly saw the competitive, joyful energy that radiates from every Shooting Touch court. Once the rain started and the game ended, we drove to Rilima to experience the U13 boys and girls practice. This was much more my speed (and skill level) and I was happy to start shagging balls and dropping in on a few dribbling lines. 

After the first week, we left Kigali and headed to Kayonza District -- home for the next few weeks and the location of six Shooting Touch Courts. We got to the house in Rwinkwavu after dark on the first night, so we truly woke up the next morning in a whole new world. It was so calm, sipping coffee on the front porch with the doors open and light pouring into the house. 

With each day spent in Kayonza, we visited a new court and got to experience the unique coaching styles and energies at each. In Nyamirama, instead of practice, we hopped in to help the women build a drainage ditch around the court. In Rwinkwavu, we ran laps with the women while attempting to learn the accompanying rhythm, clapping, and singing. In Rukara, we were met with over five hundred women rotating through agility drills, passing patterns, and dribbling training. Each court was so different, yet the joy of sport and community was evident throughout.

During my second week in Rwinkwavu, my colleague Madi and I had the opportunity to visit with three women in their homes to learn more about how Shooting Touch has impacted them individually. One woman explained that when she first joined Shooting Touch, she and the other women would come to the courts with dirty hands. However, they quickly learned through our Turikumwe Health Lessons about the health benefits of washing their hands. Now, all of the women come to the courts with clean hands and take pride in their hygiene, knowing how it impacts their overall health. I am so grateful we had the opportunity to visit with all three women so soon into our time here. Hearing their stories and the tangible ways that Shooting Touch has impacted their physical, mental, and emotional health only reinforced the mission of Shooting Touch and the work that I am excited to be contributing to in the coming months. 

From the time my parents dropped me off at the airport in Atlanta through the first few weeks in Rwanda, I kept waiting for homesickness and anxious thoughts to arise, but now almost one month since my arrival, more than anything else I feel content where I am and excited for the months to come. Obviously, there are nerves that come with moving to another continent and starting a new job with new co-workers that double as the only people you know in a foreign country, but our Director of Communications, Sam, as well as the Shooting Touch Rwanda staff and coaches, have been so welcoming during this time of transition. From helping us navigate buses and motos, to sharing a meal, to taking a road trip to the Tanzanian border, we have met so many people ready and willing to share these new experiences with us. 

Now a few weeks in, I am just as eager to be involved as I was on day one, and looking forward to the big and small moments to come, while (hopefully) improving my basketball skills along the way.


Lucy graduated from the University of Tennessee in May of 2023 where she was a member of the varsity women’s rowing team. She was also a member of the VOLeaders Academy that travelled to Rwanda in 2022 and partnered with Shooting Touch. After graduating with a bachelor’s in political science and minors in business and global studies, Lucy worked for the U.S. House of Representatives as a legislative correspondent for Tennessee’s 2nd district before joining Shooting Touch.