Game Changer
A Shooting Touch Game Changer is an individual who embodies this organization’s mission, demonstrating unwavering resilience in efforts to aid. Whether it be a substantial monetary commitment, a calculated boost in morale amongst staff and beneficiaries, or simply a willingness to passionately advocate on our behalf, the Shooting Touch Game Changer Recipient is a philanthropic individual, that has sacrificed time and thought to help our organization flourish.
Past Award Winners:
2019: Lisanne Comeau
Lisanne Comeau, the 2019 Game Changer Award Recipient, dedicated five years to Shooting Touch Rwanda (moving through the ranks at first, as a volunteer Fellow, secondly as the Rwanda Program Director, and lastly, as the Senior Program Director) in which she lead this organization to accomplish unfathomable amounts in such little time. Lisanne founded the Rwanda Women’s Program, created Rwanda’s Turikumwe, 8-unit Health Curriculum and the complete evaluation packet alongside it, and methodically organized the strategy and impact goals for the Boston and Rwanda programs. Lisanne has laid the groundwork for this organization and undoubtedly has the hearts of everyone within it.
2018: Farley Urmston
Farley Urmston, the 2018 Game Changer Award Recipient, has fully invested herself, and her family, into the mission of Shooting Touch. After a visit to experience Rwanda programming alongside her two sons, Farley immediately acted. Her response, at the time, was Shooting Touch’s largest individual, multi-year donation amount ever received. With this heartfelt gift, Shooting Touch was able to double in impact. Farley and the Once Here Foundation will forever be remembered as the shift that made this organization act, and think, bigger and better.
2017: Jackie MacMullan
Jackie MacMullen, the 2017 Game Changer Award Recipient, found her love beyond sports writing ever since taking a trip out to Rwanda with the Shooting Touch team in 2017. Aside from generous financial giving, enormous advocacy through her writing for ESPNW and her campaigning within the basketball world of Boston and afar, Jackie has prominently secured invaluable connections to further Shooting Touch’s success. Her story-telling ability combined with her personal experiences has placed Jackie as an irreplaceable piece to our Shooting Touch puzzle.
2016: Alex Gallagher
Alex Gallagher, the 2016 Game Changer Award Recipient, is an enthusiastic devotee of Shooting Touch. From running our Summer Camp in Boston, to traveling out to Eastern Rwanda with a group of 25 helping hands every other year, Alex considers Shooting Touch his life’s passion. Alex is the strategic assistant to this organization’s model, considering his expertise and belief in the “power of sport” and its promising influence on those less fortunate. He is an exemplary human, optimistically striving for greatest potential in all that he is a part of.