Shooting Touch University (STU) is a comprised of a series of development basketball and education programs serving young female athletes in the Boston area. STU programs include Pop-Up Clinics, as well as partnerships with Chelsea Parks & Recreation and Ladies Night. Through these clinics and partnerships, the goal of Shooting Touch University is to:

  • Provide girls of color with equal opportunity to participate in developmental sport programming

  • Improve health and well-being of girls of color

  • Increase leadership skills, self-esteem, efficacy, and agency of girls of color

  • Build community togetherness and sisterhood

  • Distribute athletic gear to increase participation in sport activities

Stay tuned for upcoming STU programming, including community partnerships and Pop-Up Clinics!

It’s a program where you get to meet new girls, practice more, and get better at basketball - not only by being a better person and teammate, but also by training towards your goals.
— Ladies Night Participant